miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Henning Mankell

Hay veces en que todo parece una coincidencia...pero ¿existen realmente las coincidencias?
Cada semana saco de biblioteca películas que pueda ver en inglés (a ser posibles sutbtituladas en inglés) por una de esas 'casualidades del destino' tocó Wallander, nadie me la había recomendado, no sabía nada de ella. Y sin embargo, me gustó, y me gustó tanto, de hecho, que decidí hacer mi pequeña investigacion despues. Curiosamente, descubrí esta noticia que me hizo traer el tema hasta este blog:

Henning Mankell at the Palestine Festival of Literature, 23-28 May
Posted 2009-05-13, updated 2009-05-31
Henning MankellHenning Mankell has been invited to participate in the 2009 Palestine Festival of Literature which takes place between May 23-28. Events will be held in several cities across the Palestinian territories.
The central drive of the festival is to assert what Edward Said called "the power of culture over the culture of power." Henning Mankell has been invited because he shows the sterling qualities of the committed artist. He has brought a universal human and political dimension to the popular genre of the thriller and he has been true to his expressed positions in the theatre work he is doing in Mozambique.
The panel that Mr. Mankell is on is called Choosing Departure: A Different Perspective? and he will also be running a workshop with drama students at the Freedom Theatre in Jenin and at Hebron University.Because of the difficulties Palestinians face under military occupation in traveling around their own country, the Festival group will travel to its audiences. It will tour to Ramallah, to Jenin, to al-Khalil/Hebron and to Bethlehem. To celebrate its year as Cultural Capital of the Arab World for 2009, the festival will begin and end in Jerusalem.

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